Wednesday, September 28, 2011

DIY Basic AWS EC2 Dashboard using Apache, Python, Flask and boto (PartII)

In part I of this tutorial we covered the basic stack setup as well as showing boto/Flask usage. In this part, I'll show how to handle posts, request instance details and rendering dynamic URLs.

So, arguably, you have your index page as your EC2 instance dashboard already working. Now, building on that let's say that you want to see the detail of any of the instances in display. So as per my explanation of the ideosyncracies of AWS' API, in order to see such details, you need two basic pieces of information: the region and the instance id. The way we are going pass this information from the dashboard page to Flask is through URLs. Flask has pretty neat ad-hoc URL routing with replaceable variables that you can then use in your code. So, in this instance, in the dashboard page we are going to dynamically generate a link that contains both the region end-point and the specific instance id. If you look closely, to the index.html template the link looks as follows:
<a href="/details/{{region['Name']}}/{{instance['Id']}}">See Details</button>

So, now we need to tell Flask to "listen" to that URL pattern. To do so, add the following line to your [WEB_APP_NAME].py file (please bear in mind that this is only for the sake of illustration only; so I'm putting code style aside):

This tells Flask to match incoming requests to that URL and bind the incoming parameters to the variable names inside the angled brackets "<" ">".  Right below that line declare the method/function you are going to use explicitly declaring the parameters you expect.
def details(region_nm=None,instance_id=None)

That is it in so far as Flask is concerned. Now that we, presumably, have all the data we need, we leverage boto to do the "hard work" for us. So as seen in part I of this tutorial, whenever we need to issue calls to the AWS API, the first thing we need to do is to start a connection to whatever region you are interested in. So, we go ahead and do so:
rconn = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(region_nm,aws_access_key_id=akeyid,aws_secret_access_key=seckey)

With that active regional connection, we then query the API for the details of a particular instance (which in this case we are going to use the instance_id passed in):
instance = rconn.get_all_instances([instance_id])[0].instances[0]

the API call above takes an array of instance ids (in our case we are only interested in one) and it will return not the instance itself, but an array of the parent reservation that why we have that first [0] is for and then that reservation's instances collection with only one instance object in it, the one we requested. Once we have the instance object it should be clear and obvious that you can extract any information you want or need (type, tags, state, etc.).

Now what if we wanted to make changes to any of the instances or if we wanted to, say, start/stop any of them? It's actually not unlike what we've been doing thus far: we tell Flask route object what to look for, then use that machinery to get the data you want. So, for this step, as a matter of generally acceptable good practices, we are going to send the information via submitting a form through a POST request method. Our route should look something like this:
@app.route("/change", methods=['POST'])

We can now define out function to handle the request:
def change():

Within this method we can now leverage Flask's request object to get the form data, for instance:
        instance_id = request.form['instance_id']
state_toggle = request.form['sstoggle']
toggle_change = request.form['type_change']

And finally, to make changes to an instance, all you need is to modify the instance's attributes key-value pairs. Let's say we wanted to change the instance type, to do so we simply change the value via boto's modify_attribute method as shown below:
        instance.modify_attribute('instanceType', 'm1.large')

One thing to bear in mind is that regretfully AWS API does not provide a "valid types" list for each instance. So, if you are dealing with a mix of 32- and 64-bit machines, it is possible you can assign an instance a type it is not compatible with, so you must be mindful about that. Given that there is no list provided by the API also means you need to hard-code the instance types. A reference to the official instance type list can be found here (pay attention to the API name field).

To change the instance state, however, you do not use the attributes collection directly. Instead, use the API calls provided by boto to start/stop/terminate:


Hope this tutorial was of help. If you got questions or comments, feel free to ping me on Twitter @WallOfFire.

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